Κυριακή 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2008

Tuscaloosa News
Published Saturday, February 2, 2008
CARY MCMULLEN: An idea for opponents of evolution

In less than three weeks, Florida’s State Board of Education is expected to vote on whether to revise the science standards for the state’s public school students. The proposed new standards contain a ticking bomb otherwise known as evolution.

For the first time, Florida’s students would be explicitly required to learn about the theory of evolution. Until now, the standards have had some vague language about “biological changes over time.” From the experience my children have had in science classes, I can testify that they did not learn much about the theory of evolution, and I’m sure that instruction about the theory varies from one school to the next.

So it’s no wonder that changes are being considered. The independent Thomas B. Fordham Institute gave the state a grade of F in science. Because the federal government is pushing for improved math and science education, the heat is on the state board. The new standards under consideration are comprehensive and generally get high marks — except when it comes to high school biology.

The battle is heating up between a vocal minority who oppose the teaching of evolution and those who think the teaching of scientific principles shouldn’t be, well, monkeyed with. As many as seven county school boards — most in Northern Florida — have passed resolutions opposing the evolution standards, according to the St. Petersburg Times, and more could follow.

There have been rumblings among parents that they would withdraw their children from school rather than have their children learn the theory of evolution.

I have expressed my opinion before in this space that I see no conflict between the theory of evolution and the teachings of the Bible. But today I am more interested in making a proposal that might allow for a way out of the dilemma.

Let’s cut to the chase — those who object at all costs to having their children learn about evolution are conservative Protestants who have a religious basis for their objection.

First, these folks must realize one thing: The theory of evolution eventually will be taught in public schools. It is as inevitable as the sunrise. There are far too many people who not only have no objection to the theory of evolution, they insist their children learn it as part of a complete education.

So here’s my proposal: Let those parents who have a religious scruple about this part of the curriculum sign a waiver exempting their children from learning it. My guess is that relatively few families would take this step.

This proposal would allow evolution to be taught as unqualified science to willing students, while those whose families object would not have to learn it in violation of their consciences. Both sides would get their way.

A final caveat to conservative Protestants: My proposal would not get your children entirely off the hook. It’s unlikely they would be exempted from being tested about evolution in the battery of standardized tests mandated by the state and federal governments. And colleges are not going to be interested in your children’s explanations about why they scored poorly on the science sections of the SAT and ACT. Even if you tell your children not to believe it, it would not hurt them to learn what the theory of evolution is.

It’s not a perfect solution, but it would allow society to move forward.

Cary McMullen is religion editor for The Ledger in Lakeland, Fla. Contact him at


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